How do you find the clarification on GST?
Welcome to FilingPoint Blog +91 7299972500 for clarify GST doubts online in Chennai How do you find the clarification on GST? The first step in filing a clarification is to sign up for GST Online. To register for GST Online, you must provide valid credentials and log in to the GST Portal. Then, go to Services, Registration, and Application for Filing Clarifications. Enter the notice or application reference number into the appropriate fields. Select the Modification in Registration Application Filled option to search for the clarification . After that, you need to fill the Query Response form. If you want to register under GST, you must pay the tax on the amount of value added by the manufacturer and the supplier of the services . Then, you must pay the GST on the products you buy from the distributor and the margin you add on them. You can also reduce your GST by paying the manufacturer's GST first. To save on GST, it is a good idea to use a monthly s...